Volunteer Application

Ready to help us save lives? As a 100% volunteer-run organization, AARF relies on YOU to help us save dogs and cats in the Baltimore region.  If youโ€™re passionate about pets, weโ€™ve got work for you (and yes โ€“ some of it might *even* include petting cats and dogs!). 

Volunteers are needed to help with everything from fostering to fundraising, writing to website management, transporting to tricking-out our AARFies with new โ€˜dos.  Many volunteer activities can be done from home! Whatever skills you have โ€“ we have a place for you! 

Fill out our volunteer application, and a member of the AARF team will reach out soon to discuss your interests! If you are interested in becoming a Foster, please complete the foster application instead of this application. 

Please note that volunteers must be at least 18 years old to volunteer with our organization. If you are under 18 years old and have a parent or guardian that might have an interest in volunteering with you, they may submit a volunteer application and once approved, you would be able to volunteer together. Parents or guardians are required to be with minor volunteers at all times while volunteering.

Fields marked with an * are required
Birth Date *
Do you have a valid driver's license and access to a vehicle? *
Do you have a Facebook account? *
Have you ever been convicted of a felony, criminal charges, or been placed on probation? *
Are you a... *
Which type of volunteer work are you interested in? (Please select your TOP 3) *

As an AARF Volunteer:

โˆš I will treat all animals and other volunteers with respect and I will work as a team member with all volunteers, Volunteer Leaders and Board Members.
โˆš I will abide by all AARF standards and agree to follow the directions/instructions of the AARF Board Members/Committee Managers and report any problems as they arise.
โˆš I will always represent AARF in a professional manner.
โˆš I understand that I will be volunteering at my own risk and that the organization, it's Board members or any affiliates, cannot assume any responsibility for any accident, injury or health problem which may arise from any volunteer work I perform for the organization. I hereby waive, release and forever hold harmless AARF and its officers and affiliates from any claims of liability including, but not limited to, claims of negligence and/or injury to me or any member of my household arising out of my participation in the Animal Allies Rescue Foundation Volunteer Program.
โˆš I understand that all AARF volunteers and fosters are required to complete a Hold Harmless Waiver in order to volunteer with AARF. This document will be reviewed during my initial volunteer conversation, and I will not be able to volunteer or foster with AARF until the form is completed, signed and returned.
โˆš I agree that all the work I do is on a volunteer basis and I am not eligible to receive any monetary payment or reward.

Volunteers must be at least 18 to volunteer with our organization. If you have a parent or guardian that might have an interest in volunteering with you, they could submit a volunteer application and once approved, you would be able to volunteer together. They would have to be with you the entire time.

I certify that the above information is true and understand that false information may result in nullifying this application.
