Submissions for the first ever AARFie Awards are now closed!
Thank you for your interest in the AARFie Awards! Along with a fun way to share some ADORABLE photos, this is an important fundraiser for AARF. Submissions were due by Friday, May 15 and are now closed. Beginning the week of May 18, we will release two categories per week for public voting (schedule below). Categories will be organized into albums on the AARF Facebook page, and can be shared with your friends to drive votes! Winners will be determined by public vote (the highest number of Facebook likes on a photo), and will receive a certificate, trophy, and GLORY.
Voting week of May 18: Best Smile and Doesn’t Know How to Social DistanceVoting week of May 25: Best Dressed and Judgey McJudgersonVoting week of June 1: Sleeping Cutie and Best Album Cover
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Click here to read about the categories!
Best Smile Show us those pearly whites (or massive mouth!)! If your best friend has a grin that causes gridlock, this is the category for them. Smile!
Doesn’t Know How to Social Distance Us humans are getting a lot of practice these days…but many of our new “co-workers” missed the memo. If your pet doesn’t know how to keep their nose (or paws, or butt) out of your business, this is their category.
Best Dressed Dapper dogs and Classy Cats, this is the category for you! Let’s see your furr-babies in their finery to crown the top fashionista!
Judgey McJudgerson (Judgiest) Does your pet judge you? Your other pets? Your dinner? The wall? We’re looking to turn the tables to judge…The Judgiest of them all!
Sleeping Cutie Is your bestie a sleeping beauty…or naptime nightmare?! Whether your sleeping pet evokes “awwwwws!” or “EEKs!” when asleep, we want to see the best, most embarrassing, or weirdest sleeping positions you have to offer!
Best Album Cover (I’m With the Band) …we could tell you our favorite band…but you probably haven’t heard of them. YET. If your menagerie (or solo artist) is The Next Big Thing, they need the cover art to prove it! Show us your pets’ “album art”; we’ll let the groupies decide who is on top.