Thank you for volunteering as a foster parent for Animal Allies Rescue Foundation, Inc. (AARF)! The purpose of this contract is to ensure the foster animal receives the best possible care and treatment throughout its stay in our adoption program. In accordance with becoming an AARF foster parent, AARF requires all of the following is acknowledged, understood, and agreed upon:
1. The foster parent will temporarily house and care for foster animal(s) belonging to AARF and understand AARF is the sole and rightful owner of the foster animal(s). All decisions regarding the foster animal (including those pertaining to adoption) will be made by AARF.
2. The foster animal(s) will be treated in a humane and loving way, fed a wholesome premium pet food, have fresh water available, and be kept clean and well-groomed at all times.
3. The foster animal(s) will reside inside the foster home, not outside. The foster animal may NOT be left outdoors if not accompanied and directly supervised by foster parent. The foster animal will not be chained outdoors in any circumstance.
4. The foster parent agrees to keep an AARF ID tag on the foster animal collar(s) at all times and will check the collar(s) regularly to ensure proper fit.
5. The foster parent agrees to humanely work with the foster animal(s) on basic obedience, house training, house manners, and socialization, and understands remote collars are not to be used unless advised by a Foster Coordinator for training purposes.
6. AARF cannot guarantee the temperament or health of any foster animal(s) and solely relies on information/evaluation provided by the surrendering owner, finder, or shelter if available. Therefore, the foster parent understands the foster animal(s’) medical history (beyond what AARF has provided) and behavior history is unknown.
7. The foster parent is fully aware that any foster animal(s) may bite and agrees to never allow any stranger or child to be near or interact with the foster animal(s) until the animal is trusted. If the foster parent determines the foster animal(s) to be inclined to bite or a ‘bite risk’, they will notify a Foster Coordinator/ AARF immediately.
8. The foster parent agrees to keep their personal pet(s) separate from the foster animal(s) until all animals are up to date on vaccines and will introduce the animals VERY SLOWLY. If the animals do not get along, the foster parent agrees to keep them separated. The foster parent understands there is a risk to personal pets becoming ill from exposure to the foster animal(s) or may be injured if foster animal(s) shows aggressive behavior towards personal pet(s) and allowed to interact with them. If foster parent decides to integrate foster pet(s) and personal pet(s), AARF is not responsible for medical costs of personal pet(s) due to illnesses or injury.
9. The foster parent agrees to confine the foster animal(s) to a crate or gate the animal(s) in an appropriate space and separated from other animals in the home when the animal cannot be directly supervised.
10. The foster animal(s) will NEVER be allowed off-leash outdoors unless area is fenced and furthermore, the foster animal(s) will not be taken to an off-leash dog park.
11. The foster parent accepts liability of the foster animal(s), and will not hold AARF responsible for any damage caused by foster animal while in foster care, and releases AARF from any and all claims arising in connection with the foster animal(s) while under the foster parent’s direct care and supervision.
12. The foster parent will transport the foster animal(s) for routine veterinary treatment and care as required and/or recommended by AARF (surgeries, vaccinations, medications, etc.) and understands all veterinary appointments must be pre-approved by a Foster Coordinator/AARF beforehand.
13. Any expenditures incurred without prior approval by the Foster Coordinator/AARF are the foster parent’s responsibility and not reimbursable by AARF.
14. AARF will facilitate temporary boarding arrangements if given 14 days’ notice by the foster parent. The foster parent agrees to use an AARF-approved boarding facility as determined by AARF when temporarily unable to care for the foster animal (i.e.vacation or travel).
15. The care of the foster animal is not transferable. If for any reason the foster parent is unable to continue to house and care for the foster animal, the foster parent will notify the Foster Coordinator/AARF and return the foster animal to an AARF-designated representative.
16. If the Foster Coordinator determines the foster animal should not be allowed to attend public events, for whatever reason, the foster parent agrees to abide by the decision.
17. The foster parent agrees to abide by the guidelines set forth by AARF regarding adoption procedures and grants AARF permission to visit the foster animal at any time to check on the animal(s’) well-being.
18. If fostering dogs, I agree to foster my first foster dog through adoption and agree that I will not adopt them myself.
This contract may be terminated at any time by AARF.